Yo welcome back Momlinneals I am going do my best to make sure I post these blogs to help all the moms like me out. With my 7 yr old son he is now back in school with their hybrid learning module, so two days in class and the other days it remote learning.

Micah Dixon Christmas

Source: Jordan Kage / jordan kage

He is very happy to be back but still has a hard time getting his work done remotely. Ive don my part in implementing these few steps into helping him stay ENGAGE while he learns from home. Maybe they will help you and your our too!

Stay in contact with their educator– I will email her for any and every thing and she knows it!

Allow them to fidget an move around– he like to work standing up sometimes, and play in his hair, as long as his work is getting done i don’t complain.

Encourage and work alongside them– I will have my laptop out working and be right in the room with him while he works, this helps to limit the distractions

What are some thing you do to keep your child engaged while they learn from home?

Momlinneal Time: How to Help a Child Stay Engaged with Remote Learning!  was originally published on