Britni Ricards

Source: Cosey photos / Courtesy Of Talent

The luxurious rose gold label on the Cota Skin bottle makes it stand out when scrolling social media. Chances are, you’ve engaged with Cota Skin in some capacity – the brand is everywhere. And that’s all thanks to the brilliant marketing by Cota Skin founder and CEO Britni Ricard. Cota Skin’s melanin-approved formula sells itself in a s sea full of social media brands promising no-filter-skin worthy results.

Inspired by Ricard’s late brother Chavez “Cota,” the boss babe set out to honor him with a skincare brand that would bring his four-step process to Black women with the hope it brings us all as much joy as it did when she would watch him cleanse, treat, tone and moisturize. Ricard found massive success and a loyal clientele of Black women who value good beauty products and the pretty girl aesthetic. With a 24k brightening serum and floating petals in a rose toner, Cota Skin is that girl. Don’t believe me? Ricard sold over one million dollars worth of products in one day.

Ricard’s resume doesn’t stop there, she’s also tapped into the real estate industry, investing in her community with a 10-unit apartment complex in New Orleans. And she continues to give back where it counts. 80% of her tenants are single mothers and last Christmas she did the Lord’s work when she gifted a month of free rent to her valued tenants (80% are single moms). And because she likes to spread the wealth, she offered a “homeownership” seminar for her tenants, so they can follow in her stilettos one day. 
Cota Skin products

Source: Courtesy Of Talent / Courtesy of Brand

We caught up with the New Orleans, who recently expanded her brand to include holistic feminine wellness products (vaginal wipes, boric acid pills, probiotics, sanitary napkins, and vaginal cleansers) about finding success in the beauty industry as a Black woman while serving Black women.
HelloBeautiful: Britni, you have an amazing story. You launched Cota Skin only a few years ago and it has grown tremendously. Your client base is growing, how have the products matured with them?

Britni: Thank you so much! I’m so blessed to have grown at such a rapid rate with 5 years in the skincare industry. My customer base (Cota Cousins) have grown with me on this journey. They are more like family to me. Since launching in 2019, the packaging of my products has matured. We even went as far as adding two new products within the last couple years—Tinted Mineral Sunscreen and Hyaluronic Acid Masks after listening to the desires of the Cota Cousins.

HB: What do you contribute to the success of Cota Skin?

Britni: I have contributed a lot of sweat and tears to this company. I have been on many stages promoting the brand, spent countless hours organizing our new warehouse, strategizing, finalizing marketing plans, and more for Cota Skin. I always make sure to be hands-on within my company because I want to be involved. I want to know what’s going on and how I can help. I’m not the CEO who’s outsourcing everything but don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes. I don’t mind answering a DM or packing an order. However, I have successfully built a team who I trust yet keep me in the loop with everything. I love that for me!

HB: I love the Cota Skin packaging – the rose gold feels so luxurious – can you explain the inspiration behind the signature look?

Britni: Thank you so much! Listen, it’s important to keep your ear to what’s trending but also do what feels good to you. The Rose Gold color have been very popular lately and it just gives high maintenance. I want my customers to feel luxurious. They deserve it!

HB: Cota is named after your late brother, how did he inspire you to love the skin you’re in?

Britni: Yes, so my brother was “that guy” to me. He was one that cared about his appearance. From his skin to his shoes, he was always well-groomed. I was really impressed by how well he took care of his skin. It was so smooth and clean. I would frequently ask him what he did to obtain such beautiful skin. That’s when he shared with me the importance of having a skincare regimen. The perfect cleanser, toner serum, and moisturizer. I took that knowledge and created the perfect regimen. because I needed it for myself. Lol

Once he passed, I wanted to honor him by using him as the focal point for Cota Skin. Everything I know about skin started from him and it grew from there.

Cota Skin Luxe XL Bundle

Source: Cota Skin /

HB: How did it feel for Cota Skin to gross over $1 million in one day?

Britni: Wow! That is a day that I will never forget. I had a zillion thoughts running through my head. I was elated like “Is this really happening right now?” Going from serving at Harrah’s Casino making $2 an hour to now hitting $1 Million in 24 hours from skincare products was MINDBLOWING. This moment was confirmation that betting on yourself will never go out of style.

HB: How do you celebrate a win big or small? How do you practice self-care? When was the last time you told yourself you were proud of yourself?

Britni: Celebrating wins hit differently now. I like to celebrate by doing giveaways to my Cota Cousins or just sitting in the living room with a glass of wine watching my son play with his toys. I’m more intentional about celebrating in the moment.

Britni Ricards

Source: Cosey photos / Courtesy Of Talent

HB: If you could only recommend one Cota Skin product, what would it be and why?

Britni: Whew! If I could recommend any Cota Skin product, it would be the 24K Gold Skin Brightening Serum ($39). Reason why is because it’s everyone’s favorite AND I have saw with my own eyes how effective it is. It’s gentle on the skin but it has removed some of the most stubborn dark marks.


What are 3 social media marketing tips you have for business owners/ entrepreneurs?

Britni: Remain authentic, tell your story, and connect with those who shop with you. Those three things will always work no matter how the algorithm changes. People want to see the realness of what you offer.


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Cota Skin Founder Britni Ricards Has A 24K Approach To Black Skincare  was originally published on