About ronebouncecolumbus

Electoral participation isn’t a means to an end. It is a pathway to a more connected society. By funding sustained engagement and organizing, Patrick sees Bridge Together as supporting local talent and listening to understand from residents what issues matter and how they manifest in their daily lives.

Noor says that the campaign to change the city charter was ultimately a heavy lift for the community. Mobilizing after the charter commission squashed a vote from taking place last year, the community engaged in what they call an even "more democratic" process.   

While much of the focus nationally is on presidential and midterm elections, local and state races are equally important. This month, several races are taking place that will significantly impact the lives of local communities.  Many elections are taking place on Tuesday, Nov. 2, but in some areas, special elections and runoffs are happening later in the month. Early voting is underway in Louisiana, which has elections on Nov. 13. 

The nearly 3-year-old blackface scandal surrounding Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has resurfaced as the state's Democratic and Republican gubernatorial nominees court Black voters ahead of next week's election. It's not a good look for Terry McAuliffe or Glenn Youngkin.

To the casual listener, there might be nothing wrong with this conversation. But therein lies the problem with it. Normalizing talking points meant to undermine advancement while engaging in intellectually dishonest commentary only emboldens groups who deal in dishonesty. 

Civil rights groups and leaders who have been advocating for fair elections were given a glimmer of hope on Thursday when President Joe Biden seemingly signaled his support for finally ending the filibuster.